For project four, web adventure, I had the idea to create a website with a humorous take on "girl dinner" - the Tik Tok trend showing what the ✨girlies✨ eat for dinner unplanned and based on what's in the fridge. There are some hilarious videos about eating random combinations of foods and I thought it would be a funny concept to create a web adventure on.
The premise of the story would be that you tell yourself " I have food at home" and then you pull out each item in your fridge and one after the other, things are moldy, old, and inedible and the choices dwindle down to something like pickles, wine and saltines for dinner with the last page saying
✨This is my meal, I call it girl dinner… to match the Tik Tok sound✨
If I can somehow make it play the sound as you open the page I will, otherwise I will have a video playing on the last page acting as the punch-line with the sound.