This reading, the Art of Noise by John Cage, made me think about how every listening experience is unique because of your surroundings, whether an audio recording, song, live musical performance, speech or audio book. He is quoted in this article saying that “there is no such thing as silence” which is true. There is only one place on earth - so far underground some obscure mountain - that is considered silent, and people have gone crazy in that environment. All around you, even on the most peaceful day, there are sounds of others around you, birds, cars, wind, and more, natural or unnatural. And you also have sounds in your own head that impact the way you hear something. Some people can hear the blood rushing in their ears that accompany all they hear. This was echoed in the reading when the author mentioned being someone who is mindful of the natural setting and how it makes every listening experience unique. I sit and write this listening to my own fingers creating sound on my keyboard and the vent above me humming away. We are surrounded at all times by a symphony by our surroundings and our mindset around that noise makes all the difference. John Cage considered everything musical - I personally have not had that mindset but it makes me wonder - how much more beautiful could my experience be on this earth if I was surrounded by music?
